Category Archives: HARC Course Descriptions

Christian Ethics (One Semester Only)


How do you apply the Scriptures and a biblical worldview to the hot topics of the day? Christian Ethics equips students to engage any hot topic utilizing thoughtful biblical reasoning with the ultimate goal of reaching a decision or position that glorifies God. In short, Christian Ethics as Worship. After laying the foundation for ethical thought and reasoning, we’ll work our way through some of the most contentious issues facing our culture today, such as: abortion, stem cell research/treatment, birth control, war, torture, weapons of mass destruction, euthanasia, physician assisted suicide, capital punishment, cloning, designer babies, human sexuality, welfare, and social justice.

There will be some light reading along with three short position papers. Final grade will be heavily weighted on class participation.

Teacher: Steve Noble


Moral Choices (2nd Ed) by Scott Rae

“Every Good Thing” by Dr. David W. Jones

Civics and Government


High school civics is usually one of those classes that our kids just “get through,” but not the one I teach! I’ve been a Christian talk radio show host since 2007 and an activist since 2004…both through Called2Action! My “Foundations of Freedom” class is a fantastic way for your teen to learn about the formation of our nation, government, and way of life. Why did the settlers come to America in the first place? Why the Declaration of Independence? Why the Constitution? How was our government designed to work and how does it operate today? All of this from a conservative, biblical worldview.  This is a two semester course and counts as 1 history credit (but not U.S. History).

Teacher: Steve Noble


Textbook for Civics: American Government (3rd Ed – 2014) BJU Press. Link:

German 3 (Honors German 3)


Honors German III is a “Pre-AP” level course that builds upon the intermediate skills learned in German II (German IV is the AP level course). This course includes advanced vocabulary, parts of speech, grammar, pronunciation, and Germanic culture. It also focuses more on essay writing, conversation, idioms, and advanced word order. Various media types will be used to assist instruction. High School students who study German III learn more in-depth advanced constructs of the language and equip themselves for AP and college study. Additionally, it will prepare students for standardized German tests for college credit or placement. Students, who are later in college or in the work place, may also combine the study of the German language with study of business, law, trade, science, engineering, technology, ministry, tourism, politics, or music to provide excellent career opportunities for themselves. After successful completion of German III, students are eligible for national recognition, programs of study in Germany, and AP level or college coursework. A complete curriculum map for this course is available at the class website stated below.

Teacher to be identified.


  • Successful completion of German II or equivalent study or life experience
  • Internet access through a web browser (for access to the instructor’s website)
  • Desire to learn, participate, and stretch


Latin 1


Latin 1 is an introduction to the Latin language.  The focus will be on learning grammar principles in order to apply them to reading the language.  Students will not only study the language, but also Roman cultural and historical contexts.  Grammatical concepts covered include:  pronunciation, word order, nouns, verbs, adjectives, and pronouns.  Students will be required to memorize grammar and vocabulary, and they will also strengthen English vocabulary as they study Latin roots of English words.

Expectations: Students of any language should expect to devote an hour to homework daily to gain mastery of the language.  As with any subject, some students will complete homework more quickly.

Teacher: Barbara Hand


Good command of English language (grammar, vocabulary, usage) at grade level or above.


Decision pending until mid-June, 2013.