Category Archives: HARC Course Descriptions

World History

Description: World History guides students through the story of history, starting with creation and continuing to the present. Students will analyze five key themes throughout history from a biblical perspective: justice, power, citizenship, environment, and world religions. They will also do specific studies on Africa, the East, Asia, pre-colonization Americas, and empires in Africa, India, and Asia. As they trace the major patterns in world history, they will see how those themes point more and more clearly to the triumph of the kingdom of God. This class will always incorporate the news of the day to show real-world application of the course material.

Instructor: Steve Noble


World History Student Text, 5th ed. | BJU Press

US History

American History: A Truthful Telling of one of the World’s Greatest Stories”

Description: Will cover American History from 1400’s through the present! The good…the bad…and the ugly. We will approach America’s rich history through a lens of Biblical Truth with our only allegiance being to the Glory of God.

There is much to learn from our nation’s past, but only if we look at it accurately and honestly. America is indeed the greatest nation that has ever existed, but like each of us as individuals, it has a checkered past. Together, we will harvest both the good and the bad fruit and will learn deep and enduring truths from each.

Instructor: Steve Noble


United States History | BJU Press

Intro to Programming

This course aims to introduce students to the computer programming language Python. We will discuss why an understanding of programming is essential in modern society, cover the basics of constructing a program from a series of simple instructions in Python, and delve into practical uses of programming skills in various industries.  More advanced concepts like data structures, networked application program interfaces, and databases will also be covered.  Students will learn how to translate their knowledge of Python into other languages like Javascript and Go. Throughout the course we will also discuss various cutting edge topics including Mobile App Development, Security & Privacy, Opensource, Internet of Things, Big Data, Machine Learning, Blockchain, and others.

Instructor:  Dave Conklin


Students should have completed Algebra 1 and have some aptitude/interest in computer programming.  Actual programming experience is not required. If you have any questions, please contact me at


We will be using Python for Everybody: Exploring Data in Python 3 by Dr. Charles Russell Severance and will also follow along with the related Coursera course offering.  We will supplement with a number of free online resources.

Students will need a functioning laptop they can bring to class.  This does not need to be the latest and greatest model! The laptop should minimally:

Have at least 2GB of RAM and 1GB storage

Boot up reliably on a Mac, Linux or Windows OS

Run a modern web browser with several tabs open without crashing/lagging


Personal Finance

Course Description

Are your teens clueless about money and the future?  Charla McKinley can fix that with a personal finance class like no other.  Charla does not just teach the fundamentals of money management, she gives the students an opportunity to design their own future from age 22-42 by making choices like career, car, apartment, spouse, house, investment, etc. all while creating 20 budgets to see how those choices will impact their financial picture.  Charla’s approach gets this critical information from their heads to their hearts and will be the class they talk about for the rest of their lives.

Instructor: Charla McKinley

Materials Required:  

Student Workbook purchased separately at

Laptop with Google access
