Basic Electronics


Basic Electronics – The fall semester focuses on the very basics; resistors, capacitors, inductors, diodes and transistors.  The spring semester continues from there by applying what can be done with the basic components including amplifiers, oscillators, to basic logic circuits.  We will incorporate Amateur Radio in the spring semester as a case study and tying all the information into a practical example. Then finish the semester with extending the logic discussion into computer circuits.

Teacher: Ken Edwards

Prerequisites: The perspective student must have taken a minimum of Algebra I. Students will need access to Windows 10 or 11 computer, with at least 10 GB of disk space available.  Students will need to have the ability to add programs to this computer and access to the internet for several assignments.  If your student has access to another type of computer, such as a Mac or Linux, please contact the instructor.  A laptop is preferred, but a home desktop will be acceptable.


Basic Electronics by McWhorter & Evans