The Optimist club of Raleigh will be holding our oratorical contest on Thursday, April 10. The contest is open to students under the age of 19 who have not graduated from high school. This year’s topic is “How my Passions Impact the World”, and the speech length is not less than 4 minutes to more than 5 minutes. The contest is a combined gender with winners presented medallions. Club winners can compete in the zone contest April 15, and zone winners to compete for college scholarships ($2500, $1500, & $1000) at the District contest to be held May 17.
The contest is a great way to gain public speaking experience, and we welcome your student’s participation. To see the contest flyer follow this link: Oratorical Contest 2014. To fill out the application, follow this link: Oratoical app 2014.dat. The application deadline is April 2.
If you have any questions, please contact Bob Hassebrock at