Category Archives: Announcements

Spanish for Homeschoolers

Taught by Jan Castro

Middle School Spanish: 5th-8th grade students who want an opportunity to be exposed to Spanish conversation, vocabulary and bits of easy grammar concepts through hands-on activities and games while learning. Cost: $8 per student per class. One hour classes held once a week – approx. 24 weeks. 5-10 students. No textbooks required.

Spanish 1: 9th-12th grade students who need a foreign language for high school credit. There will be at least 3 days of homework each week. The class consists of mostly grammar and vocabulary lessons with some conversations using Abeka curriculum. New concepts will be introduced in small doses, building upon what has already been learned.

Spanish 2 is open to those completing Spanish 1, or for those who can pass the placement test (for those who have not previously used Abeka’s Spanish 1). With at least 3 days of homework each week, Spanish 2 continues to add more verb tenses and helps the students build more complex sentence structures to their Spanish abilities.

Spanish 3 is open to those completing any Spanish 2 curriculum. It will involve a lot more conversation, reading, writing and speaking of Spanish grammar and vocabulary learned from previous years and applying it to daily life. Using the official study guide, students will also be prepared to take the Spanish CLEP test given by the College Board for college credit.

Cost: High School classes: $360 per student for the year (easy payments available; sibling discount available). Students will purchase their own textbooks.

For more information, including class days/times and host locations for this next year, contact Jan Castro at Jan’s resume, teaching philosophy and references are also available upon request.

HARC Weather Cancelation

HARC follows the Wake County Public Schools for our weather cancelation  policy.
* If the Wake County schools are closed, HARC will be closed. 
* If the Wake County schools are delayed, HARC meets as normal.

Post expires at 5:00pm on Tuesday January 28th, 2014

Mom’s and Dad’s Connection

Mom’s Connection is a monthly support group meeting for moms who are homeschooling their children. Our purpose is to provide information, resources and help in different aspects of homeschooling. Mom’s Connection meets on Friday nights from 7-9pm on the dates listed below. We meet in FC210.

Please RSVP to Liz Hale

  • Dates and Topics:
  • February 7, 2014 – Speaker and topic to be announced
  • March 14, 2014 – Ken and Hope Auer will speak on “The Value of Non-Academic Education”

Who decided the subjects you needed to study in school? As homeschoolers, you have the opportunity to go where no classroom-based education has gone before and develop skills and talents that will open up many doors. This father/daughter team will explain how this twenty year old developed such an impressive resume, by placing real education above trying to reproduce a standard high school transcript.

Hope Auer was homeschooled from Pre-K through high school and beyond and had quite the variety of beneficial educational experiences in addition to traditional academic subjects. At the age of twenty, she has six years of experience as a piano teacher ( and is currently serving as secretary of the Cary Apex Piano Teachers’ Association. She published her first historical fiction book, A Cry from Egypt, the spring of 2012 and is working on three more books in the series based on her love for history, research, writing and God’s Word ( Her book was unveiled in May at the NCHE annual conference where she spoke to over 200 people. She continues to work on writing, blogging, speaking and ministering to those interested in writing and seeking her help and counsel. She lives and serves in her father’s house and continues to be a major part of her younger brothers’ and parents’ lives.
Facebook: Hopeful Stories / Twitter: hopefulstories / Websites: and

Ken Auer is the founder and Master Software Craftsman of RoleModel Software, Inc. (, pastor-elder of a family-integrated church (Southwest Christian Assembly (, head instructor at the Software Craftsmanship Academy ( and homeschool father of three children (twenty, sixteen and seven). After twelve years as a successful software developer and leader, he started RoleModel Software in 1997. By God’s grace, he has been learning and working out what God’s call for discipleship means in all aspects of life, how to integrate those aspects (see and what it means “to turn the hearts of the fathers back to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers” (Luke 1:17, Malachi 4:6).

Optimist Oratorical Contest

The Optimist club of Raleigh will be holding our oratorical contest on Thursday, April 10. The contest is open to students under the age of 19 who have not graduated from high school. This year’s topic is “How my Passions Impact the World”, and the speech length is not less than 4 minutes to more than 5 minutes. The contest is a combined gender with winners presented medallions. Club winners can compete in the zone contest April 15, and zone winners to compete for college scholarships ($2500, $1500, & $1000) at the District contest to be held May 17.

The contest is a great way to gain public speaking experience, and we welcome your student’s participation. To see the contest flyer follow this link: Oratorical Contest 2014. To fill out the application, follow this link: Oratoical app 2014.dat. The application deadline is April 2.

If you have any questions, please contact Bob Hassebrock at