About the NCFCA

The best source of information about the NCFCA is their website, but this information offers you a good summary of what you can expect as you affiliate and compte with the NCFCA.


  1. Students must be between the ages of 12-18 on January 1 of the competition season.
  2. Students must be home schooled at least 51% of the time to compete in tournaments.
  3. Students must dress in professional business attire.  
  4. One parent is required to accompany his/her student to tournaments.  Parents will be trained to serve as judges and timekeepers and will be asked to volunteer in various positions to facilitate a successful tournament.  Parents should dress in casual business attire.


(Locations, dates, and times subject to change; please visit www.ncfca.org for current information)

  1. Region 9 Qualifying tournaments:
    • Dates TBA: usually begin in January and continuing through April 
    • Region 9 typically has 4 qualifiers; Recent locations include Norfolk, VA, Annandale, VA,  Annapolis, MD, and Gastonia, NC
    • Students who qualify at one of the Region 9 Qualifying Tournaments are eligible to compete in the Regional Tournament which usually occurs in April.
    • Students who qualify at the Regional Tournament will have the opportunity to participate in the National tournament which usually takes place in June.
  2. Regional Tournament:
  3. Nationals: 

Other considerations:

  1. Average tournament entry fees: $50/student
  2. Travel expenses if you elect to attend an out of town tournament
  3. Tournament attire: professional attire is required for student participation and for parental judges..
  4. Parents may be asked to donate snacks for the Hospitality Room.

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