May 17 and 18, 2018, 8:15am-1:00pm
Colonial Baptist Church
Attendance is required on both days. A parent volunteer is also required for both days.
Cost: Testing is $50.00 per child NOTE: The deadline to register is April 23, 2018 by midnight! *Late registration will begin April 24th of $75.
Under North Carolina law, each homeschool registered with the Department of Non-Public Education (DNPE) must have a nationally standardized achievement test administered and results maintained annually for each homeschool student age seven (or turning seven during the current school year) and older. The Stanford (K-12) will be given from 9a-1p each day. The SAT 10 is not timed and offers flexible accommodations for students. The SAT 10 has the scaled scores, national and local percentile ranks, grade equivalents, and normal curve equivalents as other testing options. The SAT 10 results seem to hold more credibility due to it being given in a standardized testing environment. Sitting for the SAT 10 will also give your student the advantage of experience when he/she sits to take the ACT/SAT. High SAT10 scores may lead to a head start on the college admissions process. The SAT 10 examines a wider scope of knowledge, holds higher merit and allows you to be confident in your child’s strengths, weaknesses, and current grade level. It is more challenging than other tests, but less stressful due to not being timed. Results are usually received within 2 weeks of the testing date.
This test is a two-day test and attendance both days is required. One parent from each family must remain on site during testing to help with various tasks. These could include logistics (setting up tables and chairs the evening before and being available the morning of as well as resetting the rooms at the end of testing), data entry, proctoring, assistant proctoring, nursery care, hall or playground monitor, etc. Several assistant coordinators & a pizza coordinator are needed to help with preparation & registration. Childcare and preschool will be provided for children who are too young to participate in testing.
Testing is for grades 1st- 12th.
Thursday lunch is on your own that day (if you want to get together with other testing families, there are nearby parks you could meet at.) Friday it has been requested that we continue with the ever-popular pizza lunch before dismissing!
For more information please contact Kelly Lindstrom (